An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Solid Effort!

Warmed up 5 minutes on the treadmill (walking) and then ran a 1 mile (no walk breaks) for a record 12:39 apparently I have ran 1 miles faster doing walk/jogs (according to last weeks stats) but I'm not sure that is accurate or not as those mile's' (12:29 twice) were a different route...oh well doesn't matter I'm a sub 13 minute slow ass!...LOL I planned to run another mile but my legs gave out during the second mile so I hobbled home. No matter though as I will have a full 48 hours to recover before my next attempt.

On the other side of things I looked into shoes, I did a thing called the 'water test' by dipping my feet into the pool and then jogging a lap around the edge and observing my foot print. It was pretty obvious to me I am a High Arch underpronation runner. which means I need a high cushioned flexible shoe and I am in the minority (rarest strike style?) I use the least amount of my foot which adds more stress..etc. LOL why can't I just be normal? anyhow the shoe I'm running ironically is pretty good for my foot...a la NIKE Shox, bought them because they looked cool..guess I get lucky sometimes. Seems a good shoe for me would be the Asics Nimbus. Of course it isn't cheap..anyhow something to put on the Christmas list(to company the GPS watch..hehe)
Next Up: 2 Miles on Wednesday

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