An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well it seem taking it easy for 3 days since shin issue has paid off as I was able to run (at a snails pace) 1 mile today after my .5 mile warm up. I tried something new today instead of running between my max and min in my zone 3 (aerobic zone) I tried to stay in that zone the entire run no matter how slow I ran . Sometimes I felt as if I was barley moving but I did it. (although some 60 year old passed me which much of seemed like a full sprint to him...I'm sure he thinks he taught that 'whipper snapper' a
I felt so good after the run I grabbed my dog Barkley (the faster of the two) and jogged another mile. Unfortunately I don't think I stopped my watch between laps as I ran the second mile in 17 minutes which seems even to slow for me.

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