An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Workout was a SUCCESS!

I turned my regular loop (1.6 miles) into a 1.0 mile run/walk I used the first .4 to warm up and then ran/walk (about 75/25) 1 mile (for a total of a snail pace 12:04 mile) and then walked the remainder home to cool down.

My legs felt like lead weights and I was doing what I could to go very easy I even ran on the side of the sidewalk to make it easier on my shins (try not to think about snakes,spiders,etc..LOL). My shins never gave me any shots of pain...but I think if I pushed it they would of...glad I didn't. I hope Saturday I'm full of energy and legs are in even better condition because I would like to work on my endurance without worrying about my leg pains.

Lucky for me my first race isn't until I'm not progressing that quickly (which i hear is a good thing)

On the tech side of this blog I figured out how to get an rss reader to pump in a feed from my running log ( so my workout show up on this website in real time with links to actual routes I cool is that. Down side is it took me two days to find a reader that would work ...good site but they want real emails (no freebies) and send monthly I suspect I will have to keep on top of this one...still easy to use.

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