An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Reality Check

Seems I'm working to times are actually slower when I jog the entire distance (when I actually make it) vs when I run/walk (ceiling to floors based on HRM). I'm not that happy with my run today. Despite getting out early for turkey day and a nice breezy 60+ day I really believe I overworked. I must remember that time is not important to a slow loaf such as myself rather distance and quality. I'm going back to running ceilings to floors. I only maxed out my HRM monitor 3 times during the entire run and I think if I would of walked it off those three times I could of ran the whole 1.5.

Oh well I'm off to Wisconsin (I live in Florida) for the weekend as I will have to do some cold weather running (for me mind you) and run some hill and perhaps a treadmill...only two workouts to sneak in so it shouldn't be to bad.

Time to partake in the American tradition known as free gluttony for all...AKA thanks giving.

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