Here it is my summer the above to see the details. I'm really excited to restart training (been running nothing but recovery runs lately).
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007
Life of Riley 5K - Race Report.

My goal was to break 25:00 my race paces had been indicating it was possible and I was feeling really good about my chances. A least until I arrived at the race. I was expecting a 'road race' but found that this was a 'beach run'. This race was an out and back ran right on water's edge of the gulf of Mexico. It was high tide and I would be running against traffic on the 'back' part of the course. The sand on siesta key is very soft and not very good for running. In fact your feet sink in the stuff. It's white powdery, and forgiving. A big reason why all the beach volleyball player love to play here (I think they have professional matches here), unfortunately what is good for a volleyball player is terrible for a runner. We don't intentionally do nose dives, bumps, and spikes.
So needless to say my goals of breaking 25:00 minutes were out of reach even before the race started. My main choice was to run it easy and enjoy the breeze or give it an all out effort and see where I stacked up. I chose to give it my all. I knew it would be painful (and it was) because running on sand is 10 times different then running on the road it really slows you down and wares you out quick.
So there was probably 300 - 400 people there (it was tough to tell) I started a bit to far back in the pack because I must of passed 100 people in the first mile. There was about a foot or two of good running ground between the soft sand and the waves, most were fighting (and slowing down in the process) for the good (which was totally relative) ground. I opted to just run in the soft stuff and pace myself instead.
Mile 1 was a lot of weaving and outside passing, The temperature was around 72 degrees and the heat had already begun to show its presence I took my first split at 8:05. I was overtired and ran out a bit fast (couldn't be avoided I didn't know how to pace on sand). But I was satisfied because I maintained a strong pace in what seemed to be ankle deep sand.
Mile 2 I finally fell into my groove and stopped passing people I was able to creep down close to the water line. It was really rough as there were still sand castles, holes and other sand traps from the day before the race directors didn't bother to grate the running path, so I was on the alert constantly for physical 'traps'. I started to notice runners returning from the turn around point sprinting right at me, yes traffic ran in both directions it was some what chaotic I just stood my ground. 'They can go around me' was my strategy...and they did..LOL. I saw one guy get to close to the surf and do nose dive...must of been refreshing I thought...LOL. Anyhow I finished mile 2 in around 8:55.
Mile 3 was certainly the 'guts mile' as I was spent. I had used up all my stuff and was running in cruise control, thankfully my training took over as I had been on enough long runs to guide me home. Unfortunately my pace dropped by 30 - 40 seconds and I must of been passed by 10 or 12 people, I was ready for this race to be done with. I crossed the finish line at 27:45. Which equated to 128th place overall.
After cooling down, eating a banana and chugging some water I started to assess how well I done. My wife claimed that I came in what seemed to be early and probably top 30 percentile. The overall winner clocked a 17:14 and was a state champ, which is slow for a 5k, but considering the conditions all times would be slower. I wasn't top 6 age bracket (that's all the further they go) but I think I did do really well for the conditions.
Two days later My legs ache in places I didn't know existed so this beach running may have some value and I'm pretty sure I will sign up for another one, but next time I'll be better prepared for the sand, and I will leave the good shoes at home as I must of dumped a half pound out of them when I got home.
Next race will be in August, I can't WAIT! Stay tuned...

Monday, May 21, 2007
Summer Training
My summer goal is to obtain a much better overall level of fitness. My running skills will certainly serve as the main weapon of choice for the cardio segments of my summer training in fact I am going to follow the "red" plan found in the book Daniel's Running Formula. It involves 4-5 days a week of running based in minutes not miles (although you still end up running well over 20).
To handle the strength half of my goal I ordered the Gold's Gym Powerflex this last weekend on eBay. I got it for the low price of $427.00 (with shipping). I'm really excited to start training with this thing as it has all the exercises that I've always felt a good home gym should. You can do pull up (assisted), dips(assisted), and leg lifts. It also comes standard with a upper,middle,lower cable system. Which can be adjusted electronically through a touch pad with 240lbs of available resistance. Around 65 exercises in total can be performed.
I'm not looking to become a body builder or anything like that and I'm tired of hauling my ass to the gym everyday I felt the power flex would be a great alternative.
I'm going to strength train 5 days a week rotating major groups: Lower Body 2 days, Middle Body (abs) 3 days, and Upper Body 3 days. If my legs are not up to it I will drop the lower body portion based on feel.
I'm coming up with a system to work running and strength training into the same week without over training and getting a good benefit of both regimens. I think I have come up with a good schedule that give good quality attention to all disciplines.

I'm not looking to become a body builder or anything like that and I'm tired of hauling my ass to the gym everyday I felt the power flex would be a great alternative.
I'm going to strength train 5 days a week rotating major groups: Lower Body 2 days, Middle Body (abs) 3 days, and Upper Body 3 days. If my legs are not up to it I will drop the lower body portion based on feel.

Friday, May 18, 2007
Catch Up

Here is what has happened the last week.
Sunday 10 mile run (third time) really hot.
Tuesday - Wednesday 3 milers nothing to crazy.
Weigh in day I weighed in at
166lbs I was down to 169 last week so I have lost almost 5 pounds in to weeks.
Next week is a tapper week I planning on running 5 on Sunday 3 on Tuesday and then a 30 minute tempo run on Wednesday. No running for 2 days race on Saturday.
I will do better providing updates...although I don't think daily is possible anymore with my schedule.

Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Good 3

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Wild Fires In Florida

Ironically I used to travel that same route everyday a few years back and that's when I was a smoker, it very well could of happened to me as I was guilty of littering the interstate with 100s of butts (I quit smoking close to two years ago).
Needless to say traffic was jammed all day and everyone had headaches and burning eyes to complain about. I'd be interested too know how much the Visine and Motrin sales spiked in the area as I'm sure they had a good sales day.
I woke up this morning and was happy to see the preview to hell had subsided a typical hot sunny FL day. Off to the gym to do a tempo run I had planned 45 minutes but to be honest I'm still learning how to do tempo runs properly and was more then willing to be happy with a 30 minute tempo run (which is what I ran) I peeked at around 7.5 mph (89% HR) and ran the first 3 miles in around 27.25 (9:08). Next time I will increase the intensity up another 5 or 10 minutes as I felt like I got it right this time.
Weights tonight!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
30 Minutes In And Out

Tomorrow is a 45 minute Tempo run I am dreading as I know this one is going to hurt a bit. I will push through though because I know the benefits far out weigh the temporary agony I will be in.
BTW this morning I ran my 3 miler in 29:45

Monday, May 7, 2007
My Want List

I have my eye on the Gold's Gym Power Flex.
Looks like it would be a great piece of equipment.

Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Great Wall Of Bradenton

In order to make the route I run 3 extras mile (its normaly 7) I decided to run "the sound wall" (I snapped a picture with my cell phone) next to the highway. It was somewhat weird as it radiated a lot of heat and reeked havoc on my heart rate. Very weird running next to it as I felt as I was on the wrong side (the rich people live on the other side).
- 10:21
- 11:03
- 10:46
- 10:49
- 10:46
- 10:39
- 11:08
- 10:35
- 10:53
- 10:14
Event Time: 1:47:20
Avg Speed: 5.5 mph
Avg Pace: 10:43
Temp: 77 F

Saturday, May 5, 2007
Easy Day Did Some Stretching

Friday, May 4, 2007
The Scale Says...

Weigh in day is here and the verdict is (drum roll)
170.6 lbs
that's right I am with in .6 lbs of the 160s (after morning workout/piss). I hope to be around 165 by race day (3 weeks away).
Now the bad news (not really) I'm pretty sure I'm going to bag my fast 5 miler tomorrow and increase my Sunday run up to 10 or 11 miles instead. The reason being is I did some plyometrics on Thursday and my legs are complete TOAST!! So I believe its best to just do some light workout tomorrow (30 minute elliptical) and leave it at that.

Thursday, May 3, 2007
Only In America!

According to the electronic body fat meter at the gym today I'm at 10% body fat?!!! I was quite amazed as I have not tried the thing in awhile when I first did it 8 weeks ago it said 16%. I checked 3 weeks ago and it said 13%. Today for no particular reason I just was wondering I was expecting 12% but cool. I know these things are not 100% accurate, but the trend is I'm a lot less fat then I was 8 weeks ago (of course anyone who knows me could tell you that). I guess working out 5-6 times a week and maintaining a steady diet really works (grin) LOL of course anyone could tell you that as well but "saying" and "doing" are two different things!
I ran 3 miles this morning in 30:54 (10:18) at a 3/1 pace the first 2.25 around 5.7 the last .75 around 6.5. A good hard boring run (slow news day.hehe)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 = A BAD Unreliable Free ASP.NET Web Host
[BEGIN RANT]I'm sad to report that after 1 week of being up my race calculators have been removed without No rhyme or Reason from the provider ( I wasn't notified or even tipped off that I did something wrong? They just simply deleted by account. Well I doubt they will be around very long if they can afford to simply dump customers at random. Sure it was a free account but come on if you can't offer a service then DON'T!! Why would anyone bother upgrading through such a crappy company. People put their heart and sole into a web page and then they just pull the plug? I sincerely hope many people find this blog post on this company through searches through the blog searches and are tipped off the is a CRAPPY FREE ASP.NET WEB HOST!! I will go find a better host who at least has some common sense in dealing with people obviously doesn't [END RANT]
On the running side I did intervals today and they were painfull (in a good way) I ran 8 of them in the 8.4 - 8 mph range finishing the workout in around 35.00 minutes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The New Improved Weight Training Plan

I have a list of about 25 exercises and I try to hit all major muscle group through 12-15 of them during a 30-45 minute session. For the "core" type muscles I usually hit 2 sets of 20. For upper body I aim for endurance so I may do 1-2 set of 15. For lower body I always do 3 sets of 12 as I'm trying to improve strength and size (my legs look horrible if you ask me). I also have a rule that I always do the big three: pull ups (although assisted), squats, and a chest exercise. The reason being is these exercise the "big muscles" and encourage burning more calories..hence more weight loss.
As for increasing the weight I will try going up 5lbs every 4th session. If the increase is to difficult to do all sets I don't increase the weight. I do at least two sessions a week and try to do three (more often then not).
All is tracked on a small index card I printed off from my computer. Like running I think you need a plan and continue to increase the challenge with in reason. That is what I hope my new program accomplishes.
As for Running this morning was a typical 3 miler at a 3/1 pace ran in 31:25. A good effort indeed. I also did a weight training session (yes the above). Intervals tomorrow should be some "good pain".

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