An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Easter Bunny Gave Me A New PR!

Happy Easter everybody.

This afternoon I took off out the door on a 6 mile run. I felt pretty lousy because I had way to many beers yesterday at fair grounds. I couldn't use this as an excuse not to run (although I wanted to) so hang over or not I was out the door. I was in for some pain, or at least so I thought. After the first mile I felt pretty good. I took the same scenic route I took yesterday but this time I kept going as I needed to cover 2 more miles (ran 4 yesterday) . The three mile mark was the highlight as I ran up (yes a hill) an overpass. The same landmark I used to bike to. A small milestone but still satisfying.

As I ran back home I decided that I would attempt 2 additional miles. Yes I was going to break my longest distant ran record (7 miles). I managed to slip 2 more miles in and admit I was exhausted I'm going to get paid dividends for this run because everything hurts just right.

The second good news is my speed is officially gone up. Usually when I run the 'Long Slow Run' I average high 12s. Today's I average a lot better then are my stats.
  1. 11:36
  2. 11:43
  3. 11:57 (slowest lap...and close to breaking 12 glad I didn't)
  4. 11:57 (again a close one)
  5. 11:43
  6. 11:54
  7. 11:43
  8. 11:32 (finished the run with the quick lap..I love that)

Distance: 8 Miles
Avg Speed: 5.1
Avg Pace: 11:45
Avg HR 73% (again a great number below 75%..yet a hard effort)
Total Time: 1:34:12

A great RUN!! Thank You Mr.Cottontail


M. Tate said...

Congradulations on the speed and distance records. I don't think I have ever been able to do both in one run. Usually when I go for a new distance, my speed suffers, and only after a second or third time does my pace even get to what it was before I extended the distance.

It really brings a smile to me to see how fast you are improving. Perhaps you could join Jud and myself this fall in running a marathon.

Mr.Cheapo said...

My Marathon is scheduled for March 2008 :) (tentivly) but its something that I would like to do once in my life. I would like to get a solid year of running in before I attempt a marathon. Right now I'm concetrating on shorter distances. In the fall I may reconsider you never know. But I want a good base. 26+ is a looooooooonnnnnggg way (as you know) but thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure seeing your guys success will give me a kick in the pants.