An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Beer In Mexico

Thank You Kenny Chesney. I didn't actually have any beer rather it was a song that came on my headphones right before my fifth and final mile of a five mile run today. Here are my splits

  1. 10:09
  2. 10:31
  3. 10:10
  4. 10:21
  5. 8:26!!!

Avg Speed: 6 mph
Avg Pace 9:55

Yes a New RECORD MILE FOR ME!!! on the hardest of all 5 miles none the less.

It appears those 3/1 miles have been paying off. 8-9 miles tomorrow I can't wait :)

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