An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Friday, April 6, 2007

170s I have Arrived!

Another milestone busted I weigh in the 170s now.

176.4 to be exact!

One sure way to get faster is to lose weight, obviously at 6 foot tall I can afford to lose some weight by doing so will improve my speed/endurance..less weight = less work. My goal weight is around 155 should be optimal in my opinion.

Busy weekend ahead as I have a 4 miler on Saturday and a 6 miler (maybe 8) on Sunday. I imagine I will be doing a few punishment miles as I'm going to a country music festival (ah la beer/chicken wings) and I doubt my will power will succeed.

But either way I'm still on track.

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