An Out of shape 32,33,34 35 Year Old New Runner's Journey into fitness, running, and road racing (5k, 10k, and beyond).

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Not a Good Start - Shin Splints Kick IN

Last weekend I bought a fancy runner's watch with a heart rate monitor and some fancy electronics. when I did my run/walks (two days in a row sat/sun) I would try to keep in my HR zone while jogging and when I hit the ceiling (the watch beeps) I would walk until I hit my floor (the watch beeps slightly different) I was able to go a long way (for me 2 miles) without feeling much pain but enough to know I was really working. I gave myself Monday off to recover as I plan to do every week and was excited to go at it after work on Tuesday.

Well I started this evenings 1.5 run at a good level 3 HRM pace (70%-75%) in fact I seemed to stay in the 'zone' fairly easy for a while I thought the damn HRM wasn't working but in fact it was so I was pretty happy about that until about .5 mile marker into my run....dread pain shot through front of my to be none other then frigging SHIN SPLINTS !

I don't think its that bad as I stopped running when they hit and walked the remainder of the course (1. mile) but I have had them before and remember they are not the easiest thing to deal with. My plan is the following and devised from this article

  1. No running on Wednesday
  2. Ibuprofen for 4 - 7 days
  3. Extensive stretching.
  4. Increased warm up times and less strenuous exercise.
  5. Ice them down (now)

I really hope this is just a warning I do not want to have to deal with an injury this early in my career.


good resource on shin splints

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